>Hair Adventures – The Vitamin C Trick Worked!


So as we're all well aware, I'm trying to pull the red out of my hair in order to go blonde for the summer. Below is what I started off with, and as you well know my favorite red. It's bright. It's classy. It's a color when inside looks "normal", but outside brightens right up to "that red!" A success too- I'm now known around town (well, was) as "The Redheaded Girl."

Back to the bleaching process. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I didn't expect to become partially blonde, partially orange, partially brassy copper, partly red. Heh. It's been quite a ride, hasn't it?! It's been a week since I bleached my hair, twice in one night. No- not the smartest thing to do, so right off the bat I recommend strongly that unless you know how your hair reacts to bleach processing- do not do it twice in a row!! That was a risk I took, knowing my hair might end up over processed, damaged, or worse- breaking off at various lengths. So take it from me- do not bleach twice in an evening. I was lucky.

Well, I've made extra sure to condition my hair not only in the shower, but also with leave in conditioners and silky smoothing products. Yeah, it means my hair gets greasier a bit quicker, but it's important it does such- the natural oils that your scalp generates will in essence "go crazy" and over produce. I then take my boar-bristled brush and make sure I brush my hair for about 5 minutes to distribute the oil and products through my hair evenly. This helps my hair heal faster- sealing the cuticle so it doesn't look so dry, but a heck of a lot better than the photo below!


~ by Snarky Princess on May 21, 2011.

6 Responses to “>Hair Adventures – The Vitamin C Trick Worked!”

  1. >Oh COOL, it's like magic!! ๐Ÿ˜€ reminds me of the science-for-kids video I had when I was little with all these different experiments you could do … I never did them but they were super cool to watch ^.^

  2. >Sweet! Now if you just put on violet or I think it's blue-violet toner it should remove the rest of your brassiness. Then follow up 2-3x a week with purple shampoo. ๐Ÿ˜€ It's lookin great!!

  3. >I am super happy this worked!! ๐Ÿ˜€ You really can see a huge difference in your before/after pictures. I tried it after my first bleaching and didn't notice too much of a difference. I think it works best on anything else aside from bleach hair. This brassiness I got going on is going to take something serious to get it out.

  4. >@eRiN: LOL I do remember those! Hahahaha…. They were awesome!@Persephone: Yes, that's what I have… And am using… With fabulous results! It just took a little time for the orange to tone down hahaha! Thanks!!@Rebecca: I hope yours cooperates soon!!! I'd definitely try the shampoo first, then deep condition, try the VC trick, then bleach if it still needs it ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. >Although the trick is quite magical, I think I like your make up better than your hair ๐Ÿ˜› Don't throw stones at me ๐Ÿ˜›

  6. >Hi! Just happened by your blog. I was curious if you tried Wen products to help your hair. First off, it doesn't wash out the natural oils and leaves your hair super healthy. Second, when I first used it, I had colored my hair auburn and it turned my hair super funky purple. The Wen actually toned it down to a really pretty color. Third, smoothing products have formaldehyde in them. The recent O Mag has an article about it. Bad for your hair. Try some Wen. Trust me, you will LOVE it.wenhaircare.com

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